Tuesday, March 27, 2012

First Soccer game of the season at my daughter's high school

Went to daughter's soccer game last night. She is on the JV team. I helped out at the snack bar (by being the one who takes all the snack donations and bring it to both the JV and Varsity games. Well JV won 8-0 and my daughter scored one of the goals. I was so proud. Just a bit mad that I didn't bring my camera to snap a pic. Varsity also won. So proud of my daughter and the team. Go Riders!!

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Happy St. Patrick's Day Everyone

Thursday, March 15, 2012

American Family...$50,000 givaway

Enter to win $50,000 from American Family

Well Soccer Season for my daughter starts in about a week

Went to a parent meeting, so they can give us all kinds of info about what is going on. yes I volunteered to take all the donated drinks, snack stuff (which will be used to sell at the snack stand during games) and bring them home with me and then take them to both the JV and Varsity games. Thankfully it is only 8 times (home games only). But it looks like a candy and drink store in my garage. Now the real test is to make sure my son stays out of it.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Wow can't believe my youngest kid will be 15 in April

The above picture is when my son was 8 months old. The one below is from the 2011-12 school year.

Very Reason to Not text and drive

Articles like this is a good reason to not text and drive. According to the Canadian Press Emy Brochu died January 18, 2012 after her car slammed into a tractor-Trailer truck that was merging into traffic. Before the accident, Brochu had sent Fortin a series of loving messages. Afterwards, Fortin sent several messages back to her but did not hear a reply. Click here to read the full article.

As the popularity of mobile phones grown, it is still kinda unclear how greatly texting and talking on phones while driving has contributed to car crashes. But it is very clear that talking and texting behind the wheel both contribute to being distractions, which in turn can and will lead to car accidents.


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