Sunday, July 24, 2011

Thought that I would never love rain so much

I really never thought I would say this, but I am actually happy that it is raining today. The last couple of days have been extremely uncomfortable. It got over 100 at some times. But what really hurt was the humidity. We decided to go to Ocean City Maryland on Saturday. Lets just say sometimes getting in the water did not help. I am really thankful that we didn't have any black outs where we live at. That would have been horrible. I recall when my husband and I were stationed at McGuire AFB, in New Jersey, we had a blackout on base housing that lasted a whole week. This occurred during the heatwave there. It was so hot that the only possible way you could stay somewhat cool was to lay down and not move. Thankfully, with me used to work for the Services Squadron on base, I was able to get a hookup on a room at lodging. 


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