Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Ways to save at the gas pump

1. One of the best ways to save on gas is to get rid of all your gas guzzlers. They may be great when you take trips with family, but they are a pain in the butt for your wallet.

2. Start walking or riding your bike. Instead of hopping into your car to go somewhere in walking distance. If you live near some form of public transportation, take that.

3. Drive more efficiently. This means drive the speed limit. This will help get you the most miles per gallon. Also after stopping at a light, don't haul butt real fast when the light turns green. Start out slowly and get your speed up.

4. Don't use the cheap stuff. When it comes to keeping your vehicle maintained, use quality oil and change the oil filter regularly. When it comes to your vehicles maintenance schedule, it is important to follow it.

5. Inflate your tires right. Under or over inflated tires can lower your gas mileage by an average of 4%. This is according to


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